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  • Techniques

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    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT)-Term goal oriented psychotherapy that takes a hands on approach to problem-solving

    Motivational Interviewing(MI)-A counseling method that aids in resolving ambivalent feeling and insecurities to find internal motivations.

    Genogram-Family map or history that uses special symbols to describe relationships with major events and the dynamics of families over multiple generations.

    Eco Map- A graphic and useful way of assessing families in which families can participate.

    Seasons of Change-A coaching transitional model that utilizes a metaphor of nature to assist a client to integrate the ideas into their lives.

    Purpose Clarity- A transitional coaching model that allows you to convert your passions and interests into your purpose and directions.

    Prepare/Enrich- Online assessment tool for pre-marital, marital , unmarried, parenting , and blended families who want to understanding and improving their relationships.

    Online Life Coaching-Technology to bridge the gap of distance and time to work with a life coach. Gives the ability to build a coaching relationship in your time and your space.

    Telehealth Therapy-A easy-to use video conferencing platform that meets all HIPPA and federal security guidelines . Clients are able to have face-to-face on line therapy services.

    What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ( CBT) is based on cognitive and behavioral psychology. This means that it is more focused on the problem and is action-oriented so that specific problems can be treated.

    How Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Help Me?

    If you have a mental health condition, then CBT can generally help you find healthy coping skills to cope with behaviors. This means if you are suffering from depression, post-traumatic, anxiety, instance, alcoholism, boded personality, eating disorder, and other mental health disorders, cognitive behavioral therapy is a great option.