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  • Relationships

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    A relationship is the way two or more objects, concepts, or people are connected. The state of being connected, this is the way two oe more people feel and behave towards each other.

    Pre-martial- identification of problems that may cause conflicts later such as finances, child-rearing methods, pfamily dynamics. pre-martial counseling helps to prepare for marriage and other long-term commitments.

    the prepare/enrich assessment reviews the unique relationship for couples to remove questions about your relationship have a clear picture of your current relationship.

    Martial-marriage can be complex and welcoming at the same time marriage has ebbs and flow, no matter the length of time you have been married.

    Marriage has different seasons and each couple is at a different place. The focus on building strength as a individual and as a couple requires work.

    Parenting-is one of the hardest and most rewarding journeys of life.parenting can take a toll on a relattionship at times leading to a decrease in marital satisfaction. Parenting styles can cause conflict.

    There are four different parenting styles

    • Authoritarian-follow rules without exception.
    • Authoritative-invests time, energy, to address behavior, positive discipline is the focus
    • Permissive-lenient , steps in when a serious problem arises.
    • Uninvolved-limited guidance, nurturing, and parental attentions.

    Work-building workplace relationships is a component and successful in your career. this does not mean you have to involved in al relationships at work. It does mean you need to make an effort to get to know the people you work with and learn what skills and abilities they bring to the table. what happens if this does not work

    Knowing what type of conflict is happening wil work towards a solution

    types of conflicts

    • Personality conflicts
    • interdependence conflicts-
    • Differences in Style
    • Background/Gender
    • Differences in Leadership Style

    Friendship is the relationship between two individuals, who do not depend on each other for making decisions, while relationships are the way in which two people are connected.
    When friendships change how are you impacted

    Blended Famiy-The. Brady Buch or cheaper by the dozen is not a accurate picture of blended families. The changes as relationships start to develop can be stressful. living under the same roof exists conflicting ides for rules for children, as well as differing roles of responsibility for each parent.

    What happens when the biological parent and blended parent have difficult communication,. Problems can occur to impact the blended family.

    Spritual- There are different types of spiritual relationships. recognizing the difference is important. When we nurture our spiritual relationships in a grounded way er are less likely to hurt ourself and others

    “A health relationship will never require you to sacrifice your friends, your dreams, or your dignity.”
    Dinka’s Kalotra