Pre-marital counseling builds a solid foundation for martial life. Pre-Martial counseling helps you to identify the cornerstone of your commitment.
Quiet Avenue Life Coaching & Therapy uses Prepare/Enrich, a customized couple assessment completed online that identifies a couple’s strength and growth areas. The couples assessment is taken separately and as honestly as possible,the test is not to be discussed with each other.
There are several goals of the Prepare/Enrichment Program. In order to achieve these goals there are exercises designed to help couples improve their relationship skills. The program helps couples:
- Explore strength and growth areas
- Strengthen communication skills
- Identify and manage major stressors
- Develop a more balanced relationship
- Explore family of origin issues
- Discuss financial planning and budgeting
- Establish personal and couple goals
- Understand and appreciate personality
“Be completely humble and gentle:
be patient bearing with one another in love.”
Ephesians 4:2